Usually I get about one message, text, or email a week from either a stranger or friend seeking assistance in walking this path of unholy strength gains and achieving that desired physical transformation. Few things get me as excited then receiving these communications. Aside from my wife and my school studies this lifestyle is my passion. I am quick to help out anyone looking for direction. Even when I am busy as fuck and still carve out ten mins. to text bomb them everything I can say that will help. I then point them to my blog for deeper insight. Not for self promotion, but for actual substance and truth. this blog is a non-profit coven. the only end state to this thing is passing along the "dark energy" rooted in me to all those who desire it. that's it. I tell them to read it because everything I will tell them has already been documented here.
Within the last two weeks I have started receiving and almost over whelming amount of contact with people looking for guidance. this is great for our cult. bigger numbers = bigger presence. I want this Coven (and everyone's muscles) to grow. This inspired me to do a little rooting around and check up on some of the people who I "helped" in the last year to see what has changed (for better or worse) and see where they are on the path.
brothers and sisters I come from my travels of the far reaches of internet to bring forth grim news. save for one or two men, not one person has carried the light longer than maybe a few weeks (that's being generous). This is incredibly discerning for me. even though I knowthis lifestyle is difficult and can require many, many Blood Moons to pass, it frustrates and angers me greatly to see the lost potential and wasted efforts on other ventures that are total opposition of what we are trying to build. I only get so let down because even if I have never met you in person I truly do care. I mean that.
I can only point you in the direction. I cannot carry you. I cannot open the eyes of someone who refuses to see. I am no mans Sherpa. no spell, black magic, belief, or invocation is stronger than the will of a man.
pure change. honest change. real change. it can only come from someone who WANTS to change. that is ground zero, step fucking one of any rehabilitation program. no shit its the first thing written on the instruction booklet of every smoking cessation product. if you do not believe me then look for yourself. you have to want to quit. nothing makes you quit. its your decision to quit or its your decision to rehabilitate yourself. these tools only exist to make the process of quitting/rehabbing/transforming easier and more efficient for the person who wants ACTUAL change.
That being said if you are new to the health game. I mean wet behind the ears, green as fuck, does not even know how to spell gym ( a guy-mn? whats a guy-mn?), new to "this whole fitness thing" then this message especially concerns you. You are a weak and scared lamb. a pure, non-baptized, sheep virgin but you know you want grow. to become baptized in the blood of the unholy iron and desire to walk the steps of the Wolf then fear not. because get this...... you don't even need to lift weights! I speak the gospel of truth. weights aren't even within your level.
you are essentially the understudy of the part-time night shift doorkeeper for the Temple of Possible Recruits in your regional AAAA farm team which is only seasonally affiliated with the League of Servants for Current Alphas. The temple that you guard has an acceptance ratio into the Legion of True Mass of 2:235. that is how low you are on the Totem Pole Of Gains. Even Scribes and Serfs hold more title in their position than you. have no shame in this position. unless you are content to stat at level. then you should be well ashamed. We all started there. every single one of us did. You must pay your dues and put in the overtime work to become a Key Holder.
those periods above this line represent everything I just wrote about in the previous paragraph. you didn't even make the photo. depressing huh? the bottom level of that photo is the start of the Alpha Metamorphosis and everything below (shown by single dots) are the "Beta Sub-levels". There are ore sub levels below those. Beta sub-levels so low you would literally squirm and puke from sheer embarrassment. This period (.) represents where you are in the Hierarchy of Fitness. damn you didn't even make it outta Beta Sub-level 4. lol. sorry bruh.
please note that that picture carries on even further. this photo only represents Mortal World Alphas. there are men so strong and confident they transcend mortal concepts and have places reserved in the skies for them. Example of Alpha Deities: Arnold, Danzig, Pat Tillman.
please note that that picture carries on even further. this photo only represents Mortal World Alphas. there are men so strong and confident they transcend mortal concepts and have places reserved in the skies for them. Example of Alpha Deities: Arnold, Danzig, Pat Tillman.
If you cannot afford a gym membership, wouldn't know what to do if you were there, or money is tight for awhile and you are looking in the mirror late at night after a 3-day/night bender saying "man I suck. my life sucks. I want to not suck. I need a change" then listen to me.....
CHANGE WHAT YOU EAT AND DRINK. HOW YOU EAT. WHEN YOU EAT. HOW MUCH YOU EAT. fucking change it. I dare you. I am calling you out. wanna get in shape? want to take that first step into becoming the man you think you are? then start today. not tomorrow, not after this next weekend, not when your "gym buddy" (who is not even in shape by the way. he is just slightly less fat, weak, and sloppy as you so he is the "in shape" by default) comes into your room and gently wakes you up from your 13 hour slumber by cracking open the blinds, blowing softly into your ear saying "hey there buddy..... time to wake up. I know you must be sooooo sleepy. poor thing. here I brought you some hot breakfast to eat while you wake up. just take your time. I already drew your hot bath. so when your all clean and ready I will be down stairs laying red carpet for your 30 second walk outside and warming up the car (its cold outside and I know you hate being chilly). while I wait for you I will be customizing every hour of the coming year of your life. that way you wont have to think." you wanna get serious. prove it. act now!
start learning how to eat properly to feed your temple. are you scared that it might be hard? are you afraid that you might actually...... *gasp* have to change something in your life?! then walk away now. frequent readers know that in the Black Metal Fitness Cult there are no room for fence walkers and shape shifters. pick a fucking side.
hopefully I hurt your feelings and your butt is hurting. I make no apologies. no sense in crying over split blood. step one complete. now let us begin....
I am only gonna say this one last time. after this post I will start speaking to the brethren who are at novice/intermediate level of health and fitness. who are already committed to the Iron Sanctuary and ready to level up. So heed my sermon lambs.
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Verse I: The Forbidden
stop smoking.
stop drinking every day.
stop staying awake for 24 hours and then sleeping for 15 hours.
stop sitting on your ass watching the first 13 minutes of everything on Netflix.
stop eating fast food.
stop wasting money on take out food.
stop saying you are "gonna get in shape"
stop drinking soda, juice, and "healthy drinks"
stop skipping meals.
stop going to bed on an empty stomach.
stop eating only two large meals a day.
stop lazily pursuing the opposite sex by use of hungover text messages and tinder swipes.
stop going out every night.
stop going out every weekend.
stop hanging around people who are going to dragging you to their level.
stop taking fitness advice from anyone who doesn't look the way you want to look like (ex: skinny armed "personal trainers", someone who bikes 20 miles a day, any long distance runner, someone who says they use to be in better shape, anyone who gives you advice without you asking for it.)
Verse II: The Expected
start drinking water.
start eating at home.
start cooking your own meals.
start buying groceries.
start eating every two-three hours.
start eating snacks between meals.
start eating a small meal or snack before bed.
start drinking water.
start walking more.
start sleeping more.
start excepting that life sober is fucking boring (at first).
start taking naps.
start researching exercises, routines, and physical activities that interest you.
start surrounding yourself with people who are supportive of your efforts.
start getting motivated.
start looking for inspiration in any form physical or mental
start planning
start making forward motion in life.
start cleaning up your living space.
start setting goals.
start expecting more of yourself.
start getting angry that you wasted so much time before this.
start wanting to change.
start wanting to improve.
start expecting more from yourself.
start expecting more from people who surround you.
start holding yourself accountable.
start drinking water.
start now.
you have whats expected of you. this is all you need. this requires no weight room. the enlightenment comes with time at a cost you ultimately determine. you will ascend higher each passing day if you walk true. so get motivated. get excited man! you are about to start the greatest journey any mortal could ever know. the journey of self.
ceremony concluded.
not trend. no cardio.
stay grim and hit the gym.