The market is flooded with rotten, overgrown garbage. People are decorating their rooms before building walls and a roof. The internet gives us infinite access to information and knowledge, which is fucking rad, but at the same time its causing this weird epidemic of people turning their weaknesses and flaws into badges of pride. Like the rash of people feeling sorry for themselves at every oppertunity. Casting these wide sympathy nets on social media looking for others to justify their excuses. "My knee is hurt I can't squat anymore. My back is hurt so I cant deadlift. Since I cant do both of those I am just going to be a fat piece of shit. lol. ugh. amirite? life sucks, I quit". Well walk the fuck out. On YouTube right now you can watch videos of: a body builder with Down Syndrome, a dude with severe muscular dystrophy squatting in a smith rack, a crew of quadruple amputees who train together at the same gym, a blind and deaf guy who kills the weights with the body to back it up, or an 80-something year old great grandmother deadlifting like a champion. But still we are subjected to privileged, able bodied, grown adults sobbing over their tingly ankles and strained muscles like its fucking terminal.
How about you tell the guy with no legs that your knees hurt or go complain to the guy paralyzed from the waist down that your back is hurt and its really messing with you. Those men could do more with a persons hurt knee and wonky back than they ever could. They will take your weakness and make it their strength while you go sit on a park bench and feed the fucking pigeons. A tell-tale sign of weakness is people telling you what they use to do. People who focus on what they can't do. Those people are poisonous. They are crabs in a bucket clawing down anyone attempting to climb out. Misery doesn't love company, it breeds off it.
If you truly live embrace this journey of self-transformation when you are limited by an injury or inconvenience, you fucking figure it out and work around it. Unless your entire body has been chopped off you will get no sympathy from me. There is always something you can be doing to improve your self, your physique, and your mind. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Have some goddamn dignity and keep your embarrassingly low level set backs to yourself. Confront your reality, accept it, and keep moving forward. I'll tell you right now I don't fucking care if all you can do is water aerobics. You are not too strong or cool to jump in that pool and get to work. You train for your next fight not your last fight. If you dropout after your first failure then you never belonged in the first place. Make more room for those that want to be here.
If you have truly been injured or had some invasive surgery that requires extensive rest and recovery you will be forced to avoid many thing you used to do for a significant time period. It sucks but its fucking part of life. In that phase of recovery you must ask yourself what do I have to do to be where I was? What can I do now to speed up this process? What am I able to do now? How can I make myself better till I am 100%? Whatever you can do you better do it better than anyone else. That is the mentality of the successful and the strong.
The joke about being a garbage fat piece of shit lifter is dead. I f'real do not care if that is how you wanna live, do it. But when you have consistent shitty lifts and your strength shrivels so much you go from full body workouts to only deadlifting and doing deadlift accessory work, then do not throw a butt-hurt pity party. You know why you regressed. You cornered yourself. Embrace your lifestyle and accept the facts of its consequences or change something so you can keep advancing.
Now I know this is 2017 so everyone is special-beautiful-unique-important and needs to belong. So everywhere you look you will find endless communities of people celebrating all types of mediocrity. They will welcome you with open arms. So go find your support group that blames everyone and everything else and leave me alone. I have no reservations about reminding people that no one is special. We are all a copy of a copy of a copy. You're not the only one, you're not the first, and you're not the last. Get the most from your existence by abandoning your pretentious, self centered universe. Get over yourself.
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Weightlifting culture has turned into one giant sales floor and its leaving me very disillusioned. It feels like a Ponzi scheme run by below average door-to-door salesmen. You don't need money to be strong. Just because someone goes to a gym a few times a week does not qualify them as a fucking spokes model or brand ambassador, it qualifies them as an idiot. A brand ambassador is the internet equivalent of the guy obnoxiously spinning the sign at the intersection advertising the liquidation of a cheap furniture store. Don't be fooled. Spend your money on real food, proper equipment for your discipline, and a locally owned community based location for you to execute. (example: local gym or your basement). Promotional codes are meaningless and insult my intelligence. How about you create something of worth that cant be discounted. Have some pride and trust in your product. Let it speak for itself. If you can't get someone to buy something without giving them a discount then its worthless. You pay for what you get. Things go on sale for a reason. Either no one wants it, its defective, or it needs to go.
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